Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Slacker & Winter-een-mas

So I noticed today that I just like the photo blog better. It is hard for me to blog daily, but I will try to do a better job of it.

Some things that have happened lately that were even semi-interesting.

- Went to Indiana this past weekend and stayed at Kacey's house. Stacey, Kendra, and Ashley also stayed & Bruce met up with us on Saturday. We played a lot of games, went to an outlet mall, laughed, ate too much, and caught up on each others lives. I've come to the conclusion that I have Amazing friends! I already knew this of course, but it is always nice to see those certain people who touched your life. It is too bad they ALL couldn't be there. I am just bummed that a lot of them have to live so far away...Chicago, Michigan, Indiana, Colorado...you guys are killing me! We are also very blessed to have such great friends in Springfield as well. Brad, Christen, & Benson....we can't seem to get enough of you guys! Hopefully all of you never figure out just how nerdy me and my husband are, keep thinking we're cool or at least not nerdy...okay!

- The Youth at our church are going to Haiti this summer and we have the chance to go. BUT we can't because I won't have enough days to take off yet and we aren't sure what Ben will be doing come June. How much does that suck!!

- Two mornings ago I was saying goodbye to Ben only to hear him say "Bye Mom"! Thanks for that! ha.

- I locked my keys in my car this month...with it running. I luckily realized it was locked as I was shutting the door and managed to keep it from shutting all the way. Ben finally was able to roll down the window using a hotdog roaster. Yes a hotdog roaster, you know that you use at a campfire. When he finally got the door unlocked...he javelin tossed the roaster across the yard in excitement. Nice toss hun! It must be a record breaking roaster toss!

- Heather and Ben are cool...Heather and Ben are cool. Keep saying that to yourself as you read this next part. So Ben wants to celebrate Winter-een-mas. What is it you ask? Here is what the website says:

What is Winter-een-mas?

Winter-een-mas is a holiday of sorts. More specifically, it is a celebration of video games and the people that play them. Video games allow us to do things, go places, see stuff, that we couldn't do in real life. They can be an escape from reality, a release after a long day, a fun activity with friends, or just an enjoyable way to pass time. They give us a lot of entertainment. So why shouldn't they be celebrated?

When exactly is Winter-een-mas?

Winter-een-mas lasts for a whole week, which is always the very last week in January, the 25th through the 31st. The entire month of January constitutes the Winter-een-mas season, very similar to the "christmas season", where people begin to gear up for the holiday, and get into the spirit of things.

To read more about Winter-een-mas & how you can celebrate click here

Basically, Ben wants to throw a party where we play video games all night. At first I thought it was nerdy, but now I am a little excited to try to make Nintendo controller shaped cookies! Don't Judge!


Fish said...

it's much better than festivus ... and could really catch on with the right people... (cool people).

Kyle Luke said...

I wish we could come!