Friday, March 13, 2009

Moleskine Art

I bought a Moleskine sketchbook a few months ago from Barnes and Noble. I was inspired after seeing what others had done with these small trendy books. I had to have one. So far I have used mine to keep a collection of inspiring designs and products, for a reference of key guitar chords, guitar music, ideas, etc. I will post some pictures soon.

A lot of theses examples use more of a pencil/pen medium. To be honest, I am jealous that I haven't been able to sharpen my drawing skills. That's on my to do list...right next to learning to paint. I think I will just keep drooling over their amazing sketches in the meantime.


Kyle Luke said...

I have a blank one that I'll send you when yours is full. :)

heather.snider said...

Sweet!! I'll take it! How come you are not going to use it?