Monday, December 7, 2009

New Blog

I decided to start a new blog over at

It is a place to make things very simple and clean.  I am still trying to figure a few things out, like making a list of links on the side and enabling comments.  But so far I really like it.

My new blog is

Feel free to check it out.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas is a time...

that me and my husband get spoiled rotten!  Seriously.   My Mom is crazy about Christmas and loves, loves, loves buying Christmas gifts.  I am assuming this is why gifts is my top love language.  Anyways, we have to come up with a bunch of stuff that we want and I have been saving links and images.  I just thought I would throw the images together really fast for a visual.

Here's my Christmas Wish List.  I really would be happy with just one of these, but because my parents, Ben's parents, and our friends (whom we treat like a family) all buy for us we have to give quite a few ideas.  As I said, spoiled... rotten!

(I would love to show some gifts that I have made and bought, but that would umm... totally give away the surprise aspect.) Maybe after Christmas.  I just love buying and making gifts!  Not because I am materialistic, but because I love thinking of ideas for people and giving them something they had just mentioned in passing back in June.  I think I might be more excited about people opening what we bought them than opening our gifts.  I LOVE Christmas... and Jesus. And Jesus being born.  It really is an amazing time of the year.

Plus, you have Christmas cookies, tree decorating, lights, seeing loved ones, Christmas music, cards, grilling steak outside on the grill with friends, Holiday movies, pancakes on Christmas morning, and so on.

Oh yah, here's the photo. :)