Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Catch Up

I have actually had a lot to write about lately, but haven't really had the time. So here is my update.

I started reading Velvet Elvis about a week or so ago. I love it so far. I don't necessarily think that I will agree with every piece of information that Rob Bell writes, but it definitely has me thinking and has started up some conversations. I'd say that's a success so far. Plus it is an easy read...an easy read that is some what comparable to Blue Like Jazz in the fact that I can read chapters and chapters at a time. I'm not a huge reader, so that's saying something.

Sunday I went with Christen and her cousin to see Dan in Real Life. It was done by Focus films which has entertained me in the past with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This movie wasn't quite as artsy, but was still very enjoyable. I was pleasantly surprised by Steve Carell's amazing ability to be a believable, serious actor. I thought he had an outstanding performance. The movie was a bit slow at times and quite dry, but that made the witty moments that much more enjoyable! I definitely recommend seeing it. Since I just saw it at our cheap theatre, that means it is either already out or probably coming out this next week.

Yesterday we decorated around our house. We finally hung up our art frames in our office, the Bears poster & pennants in the basement, and Ben is working on our new dart board. We still need to hang The Simpson's movie poster (it says Springfield, IL on it just in case were were the Springfield chosen for the premiere)...our new neighbors got it for us this Christmas. Awesome huh? Plus we have some more Greenville stuff to decorate the basement with and of course some anti-Lincoln Christian College memorabilia. just joking.

Last night Ben's siblings and their spouses got together for dinner. As always...it was a good time. Simon was already sleeping, so we didn't get to promise him any candy while we were there. Maybe next time.

Here is also a list of things that have consumed a lot of our time lately
1. Rock Band
2. Cleaning up from Christmas
3. Work
4. Singstar
5. Photo a Day ( I feel like I'm running out of ideas)
6. Watching Illini lose
7. Hanging out with friends
8. Procrastinating on going grocery shopping
9. Trying to find a new haircut
11.Velvet Elvis


Kyle Luke said...

Here's what I've learned about photo a day . . . I can't look for things to photograph because they always come out boring when I do that. Just have a camera with you and when something strikes you as interesting, start shooting. Then again, maybe my photos are boring even when I'm not looking . . . well, shoot.

Also, there was one more thing I was going to comment on, but I can't remember what it was, so let me go back and read your post.

Kyle Luke said...

Ok, here it is . . . I also have been procrastinating on the grocery shopping. Yesterday, I had some of Jack's Gerber banana puffs as a snack. I'm so not joking.