Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mom's Hyperventilating

So I made the mistake of telling my mother that me and Ben thought that it would be fun to live in California for awhile. Ben has thought of possibly applying at Point Loma just to see what happened. We only have about an 8% chance of actually doing it, but that didn't keep my mom from freaking out. Here's a little chunk of our emailing today.

ME: Not sure about where. We have JUST talked about Champaign, Greenville, he might apply at Point Loma, a Christian college, in California. (don't freak out)

Mom: CALIFORNIA!! Are you serious??? I hate to would I ever see you???? I will start checking around here and see what we can find in could always visit California! Champaign is too far away..Greenville is ok but again..a bit far..I say Springfield or St. Louis are good options for you.

ME: Mom I told you not to freak out. We are just talking about it.

MOM: Ha you are too you want me to have a nervous breakdown.??
I'm calling Ben!!

ME: Did you look at the pictures?

MOM: Now, don't you think I have already checked it out? and..I emailed Ben! It's beautiful! I agree..but so is St. Louis!!

MOM: I think I'm hyperventilating!!

I finally convinced her that we really do want to stay in Springfield and that Greenville is probably our second choice if anything. She calmed down. I think she loves me! I cried a bit when I thought about actually leaving. I don't think she has too much to worry about.


Andrea said...

You didn't mention that California is 1931.6 miles away! Plus, I believe there was a verbal agreement between Ben and myself in which I stated; "Thou shall not take my eldest daughter out of the State!"
Love you both!

JMagee Painting said...

I agree with your Mom, you must stay in Springfield!! xoxoxo

Kenyon and Michelle said...

psh. california.