Friday, February 1, 2008

Heck Yes It's a Snow Day

I felt like a little kid last night when I kept saying, "maybe, just maybe they will call of work tomorrow!" They have only called off work once that I have ever heard of. Just in case though, I put my cellphone next to my bed. 6:59am I get a call from our Exec. Director, "The office is closed today!"


So I turned to Ben and said, "Ben, work today!" He replied in a very chipper manner, "Sleeping, can't hear you." ha thanks for the enthusiasm there buddy.

I had to resist the urge to sleep until noon and ended getting up a little after 10. That's really good for me.

Ben went outside to shovel snow with our neighbor a little before 11. He is still out there and is now shoveling our neighbor ladies drive. What a sweet heart! He requested I am going to go make some of those here soon.

Oh and I wanted to go outside to get some pictures and realized that I do not have very good snow clothes. My outfit consisted of 2 layers of wind pants, a hoodie, a coat, stocking cap, my cousin's gloves, a scarf, and my new target boots. They are free with any better hurry and get yourself some before they are all out.

Ben of course thought I looked lamo and wanted a picture. So here you go. Say what you want, but they kept my shoes nice and dry as I trekked through about a foot of snow.

I'd show you some of the pictures I took, but then what would I put up for my photo of the day this weekend. Okay I'll show you one of the pretty snow.

I am off to make some pancakes now. Then I might watch a movie, read a book, edit photos, paint a picture...the possibilities are endless! I love snow days!


Andrea said... even look good when you aren't trying!!

JMagee Painting said...

YOU STINK--I am stuck at work :( sniffle

Fish said...

cool snow! ... i mean "pretty!" ... i'm on my way outside right now for snow!!! :)

Unknown said...

Sleeping.....can't read your blog post.....zzzzzzzzzzz...........