Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I've been playing around more with Photoshop lately and here's some stuff that I've come up with. Oh and just for the record, the following photos are not mine.

First, I figured out how to make my own lightning by rendering clouds and then placing difference clouds on top of those. Here is an example of my experimenting with tutorials. I altered some other aspects of the photos as well to match the mood that the lightning created.



I have also been very intrigued by HDR photographs lately. If you haven't heard of or seen example of a HDR photos, I strongly suggest that you Google it or click here.

Here was my attempt to make a replica of an HDR photograph. I tried to keep the shadows, but increased the highlights through out the picture.



This final one was of me trying to do the overlapping photo effect. It was really easy to do and didn't take long to figure out. It could come it handy for something someday.

As you can tell I am ready for warmer weather or a trip to the beach. I know some of this might be a little too beginner for some people, but it was fun to learn some new tricks for myself.


Fish said...

you said tutorial? are you using a book or something??? i'm interested because my photoshopping is way too elementary! .. they look really cool! i like the hdr one and the overlapping photo one ... they are all great though!

Kyle Luke said...

Nice work! Did you use an action for that last one or did you do it manually?

heather.snider said...

I did it manually...I'm sure they have a simple action somewhere too. It really didn't take that long to do though.

Oh and I just type in free photoshop tutorials and look around for ones that might come in handy.