Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pocket Candy

pock·et /ˈpɒkɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[pok-it]
noun 1. a shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used esp. for carrying small articles.

can·dy /ˈkændi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kan-dee]
noun 1. any of a variety of confections made with sugar, syrup, etc., often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc.

Now that we are all up to speed on what each word means, let me point out that a pocket is used to carry small articles. I would say that candy falls under the category of a small article.

So here is what I'm getting at...

I am NOT too good for pocket candy. If my friend has 5 Gobstoppers in her jean pocket and she offers me one...heck yes I will eat it.

When I have a spare quarter after eating at Steak & Shake...I head to the candy machine. Mentos are almost always my choice there, but I don't want to hold onto them and I don't want to eat them all at once...so I put them in my pocket and enjoy them when I choose.

Some people are too cool for pocket candy. "cough" Ben! He will not eat anything that has been in my pocket. What's up with that? My pocket is clean..maybe some lent on the banana runt I just handed him, but it brushes right off. How can he pass up free candy?

Now of course there are rules on what candy I put into my pocket. Most fruity candy is okay, hard candy is okay, but chocolate is most definitely not okay. Plus I don't want to get melted chocolate all over my pocket...I don't want the chewy sprees that I put in later to taste like a M&M! That's just gross!

Basically, I just don't think that mine and Ben's relationship is as good as it can be until he feels comfortable eating the Mentos out of my pocket. Is that too much to ask? :)

1 comment:

Kyle Luke said...

I would argue that candy is better when eaten from one's pocket.